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About Us

EduClik emerges as the brainchild of educators and software engineers, united by a shared passion to transform the educational landscape for students and teachers alike.


Recognizing the unique needs of each child, we firmly believe that a remarkable teacher holds the key to unlocking their fullest potential. Our extensive experience unveils the challenges educators face within the current education system – burdened by intricate processes and the demands of daily tasks, inhibiting their capacity to nurture creativity and cater to every student's individual growth.


With a resolute vision, we embark on a mission to unravel this complexity, empowering teachers and learners through the synergy of technology. EduClik aspires to revolutionize teaching and learning, enabling educators to transcend limitations and truly illuminate the educational journey.

Meet Muzammil, an esteemed educator and visionary academic leader whose impactful journey spans over two decades. With a rich background in academic leadership, administration, and innovative EdTech expertise, Muzammil's influence resonates profoundly within the education sector.


A qualified educator (PGCE, QTS, UK) with over 5 years of primary phase leadership in schools and 8+ years of teaching experience in Dubai & London, Muzammil's commitment to education shines through. His time as an educator in London further exemplifies his dedication, marked by achieving the prestigious Qualified Teacher Status (QTS), reflecting his unwavering determination to enrich young minds. His role as Head of Primary further elevated teaching standards, reflecting his dedication to growth.



At the helm of EduClik, Muzammil's visionary leadership led to the creation of a groundbreaking EdTech application, transforming teaching, learning, and assessment. This initiative earned recognition from the FTxSDG Challenge for Quality Education, showcasing his commitment to education innovation.


Guiding EduClik's instructional framework, Muzammil's collaboration with global experts has shaped premium content and AI-powered features, transcending boundaries.

Muzammil's influence extends to his published book on data-driven classrooms, further cementing his legacy in education. With a trail of success, he stands as an inspiration, shaping the educational landscape towards a brilliant future.


Muzammil's published book on data-driven classrooms:

Muzammil Khan

Muzammil Khan

CEO & Co-founder

B.A., B.Ed, M.A., M.Ed, PGCE (UK), Dip Business Management(UK), BSL(UK)

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Ronak Kothari has more than 15 years of experience in the software industry and companies like Adobe, HP to early-stage startups like BloomReach, AppDynamics, OpasAI, and Traceable. He has attempted 3 startups journies till date.

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